Hinweis: Für Projekte der ESF-Förderperiode 2014 – 2020 steht Ihnen die zgs consult GmbH als Ansprechpartnerin zur Verfügung, für Projekte der ESF-Förderperiode 2021 – 2027 wenden Sie sich bitte an die IBB.

  • BBWA Berlin
  • Local Alliances for Economic Development and Labour in Berlin

Local Alliances for Economic Development and Labour in Berlin


Workshop-Beitrag von Dr. Reiner Aster, Geschäftsführer der zgs consult GmbH, auf dem OECD Local Development Forum in Antwerpen. Die Rückmeldungen aus dem gut besuchten Workshop waren sehr positiv.


The Berlin Alliances, as local groupings, have been created to implement the local dimension of the European Employment Strategy and to deal with local challenges in economic development and employment. The partnership approach evolved from the „Territorial Employment Pact“ (TEP) Initiative of the European Union in the late 90ties.

In 2019, the local alliances have been existing for 20 years in all Berlin districts. They have produced a huge number of local approaches and projects to improve the social participation and employability of the long-term unemployed and to strengthen the local economy.  

The alliances themselves can be considered a social innovation in a local ecosystem because the partnership provides local and innovative solutions for economic and employment challenges.

Enclosed you will find the complete paper that was handed out to the workshop participants.

Website OECD Local Development Forum
